I Hate Every False Way

Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. (Psalms 119:104)

Edward Reyner an English nonconformist of the early 17th century wrote, “Hatred is a stabbing, murdering affection.” If this were all we knew of Reyner’s quote, we would assume hatred is perfectly inconsistent with Christian teachings about love. However, we go on to read the rest of his thought in which he said, “Hate sin perfectly and perpetually and then you will not spare it but kill it presently. Till sin be hated, it cannot be mortified; you will not cry against it, as the Jews did against Christ, Crucify it! Crucify it! but show indulgence to it as David did to Absalom and say, Deal gently with the young man—with this or that lust, for my sake. Mercy to sin is cruelty to the soul.”

Reyner’s thoughts capture the meaning of Psalms 119:104 extremely well. Knowledge of God’s Word will cause us to hate every false way. The Word enlightens the mind to the destructive nature of sin. We hardly believe sin will kill us, and yet it was sin that brought death to the world. As Reyner said, “Mercy to sin is cruelty to the soul.” Sin always leaves death in its wake. To allow it and tolerate it, is to let it ruin us. Jonathan Edwards said hatred of sin is the way true religion may be known and distinguished.

These quotes show the great disparity of understanding about what Jesus taught. It is not uncommon in today’s world to hear Jesus’ approval attached to support nearly every false way rather than to hear Him thundering against sin. God’s love is defined. It exists within the parameters of His holiness, so that it cannot embrace sin any form—not the act nor the ones who commit it. The scriptures say God is love and God hates sin. Therefore, it is nonsense to create in our minds a Jesus who loves and is at the same time tolerant of sinful lifestyles.

From this point, I could go on to enumerate the multitude of sins that have become accepted as normal behavior, but I am sure you are very aware of our church’s position on these. Rather, I prefer to take a moment to speak of other false ways we must hate. We must hate and take to task any religion that denies the deity of Jesus Christ. We must hate and strongly preach against those religions that deny justification by faith alone in Jesus Christ. We must hate and take a resolute stand against religions that claim there is any other God but Jesus Christ, and any other way to the Father but Him. We must hate the influx into our society of those who say they practice their religion peacefully when that same religion teaches them to be violent and to kill those who disagree with them. We dare not fool ourselves that a religion is peaceful when its history is one of murder, especially murder of those who since Abraham have been called God’s chosen people. We are fooling ourselves to think we can take a cold, dormant viper into our bosom, warm him up, and not expect him to bite.

Sin in any form always destroys. Your personal sin will do it; your toleration of sin in others will do it. Your compassion to give it mercy is cruelty to your soul. When the preacher preaches against sin and those who perpetrate it, do not think he is without love. Hatred of sin distinguishes true Christians. No one can love your soul more than one who says, Crucify sin! Crucify it! Stand with the preacher who stands for God. Stand with the preacher who stands against a society without God, or one that tolerates the wrong god. Anything less is cruel death.


Pastor V. Mark Smith

Vengeance is God’s


O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself. (Psalms 94:1)

Psalm 94 is an exasperating cry for God to bring vengeance on Israel’s enemies. Many people do not realize such psalms exist because they believe God is never upset with anyone and walks around all day with a flower behind His ear blowing kisses. How far from the truth are these misguided souls!

A few days ago, I was interviewed by a very nice Sonoma State student who was doing a research paper on Christian funerary practices. She asked me what a funeral service was like in a Baptist church and what kinds of things we did and what things I say when trying to comfort grieving friends and relatives. Of course, I told her it was important to be sympathetic, compassionate, and diplomatic. The last of those required a little explanation because of a very sensitive topic that needs to be discussed at the time of death. I did not want to shock her and seem uncaring, but I explained the death of a loved one is one of the best times to talk about the awful consequences of dying without Christ as Saviour. I told her I felt it a necessary duty to warn people about God’s wrath because some that attend funeral services have never heard a gospel message. I feel a responsibility to warn people that although God wants people to go to heaven He will not tolerate their sin and rejection of Christ. When we preach this way, we are following the example of Jesus who also found it necessary to speak of hell and judgment.

I think too many Christians are apologetic for God. They want to leave out His anger and pretend He turns a blind eye to evil. You cannot read Psalm 94 and come close to that conclusion. The psalmist is sure that even though God delays judgment, it will never be escaped. Further, he expects it and desires it to happen. You might have a little trouble reconciling such feelings with the love and compassion taught by Jesus, but nonetheless, both aspects of God’s character are true. Jesus preached both as true.

The first verse opens with the word vengeance. Vengeance belongs to God. He will not let the wicked escape. Sooner or later, God will say “enough” and at His divinely appointed time, He will issue the order and court will be in session. This is what I tried to impress upon this young lady. All of us will meet God at some time, and I am remiss if I do not discharge my duty to grieving mourners to warn that we must answer to Him.

The other piece is why the psalmist expected it. It is a personal thing. There is payback for all we go through. It seems like a strange reward but we learn to appreciate justice as much as God does. He never lets us pursue personal vengeance, but He promises justice will be satisfied. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”



                                                                        Pastor V. Mark Smith

Do You Fear God?

Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. (Psalms 33:8)

 In the past few Sunday night services, we have discussed worship and how God has mandated His whole creation to worship Him. Worship is the natural response of a heart cleansed by the blood of Christ. In salvation our minds are renewed so that we see more clearly the majesty of God. A heart compliant to God’s will always craves worship for worship is the top priority of God’s will. The Westminster Catechism states this wisely in its first question, “What is the chief end of man?” In other words, “Why was man created? Why did God make man?” The answer is, “To glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.”

In the 33rd Psalm, the psalmist reflects upon the creation God has made with the understanding that such power is to be greatly feared. It seems Old Testament reflection upon the power of God always evoked this type of response. The rest of the psalm issues a warning to nations that no counsel against God shall stand. Faith in any other power is empty because logically and experientially nothing overcomes the power of the one who created all. In this psalm, fear equates to reverence and reverence is an equivalent expression of worship.

However, we were careful to point out in our study of worship that fear is too often not our response to the power of God. Though we may sing in the words of the psalmist, “Our God is an awesome God,” there is very little understanding of what the psalmist meant by “Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.” This means to back up and back down and understand your place. Know where you stand in relationship to God. Though we strive to be like Him in kindness, benevolence, justice, and even in righteousness, we will never be like Him in the breadth of His power. Though one day we shall see God and be made in His likeness and will reflect His holiness, yet we shall never cease to be awed by His power. Eternity will be bliss for believers, but never will we be equal to God.

When I say we no longer fear God, I think the reason is because of weak-kneed preaching that constantly harps such themes as “God loves you.” No matter what you have done or will do God still loves you. He accepts you just the way you are and you need not fear Him because He is a kindly, gentlemanly old codger who is all but toothless and would never hurt a fly. In other words, God is happy with anything and anybody. It sounds good for the selfish unrepentant who must have his way, but unfortunately for them, this is not the God of the Bible.

The God of the Bible has one way—His way. He is not tolerant of nor sensitive to your desires and your way. God cares little for what you think because sinful minds think sinfully. God is not happy with our ways and is only happy when we fulfill our chief end which is to glorify Him. Absolute obedience glorifies Him and anything less brings a response of wrath. You had better well learn to respect God’s wrath.

You might expect that living in fear of God would be unpleasant, but it is not. In the same psalm in which we find fear, we also read these words in verse 5: “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.”  Fear does not mean that it and kindness cannot go hand in hand. After all, it was in our rebellion and disobedience that God sent His Son to die for us. So, let us see if we can learn to respect Him. Let us stand back and marvel at His wonderful works—but let us not mistake who we are and who He is.

Pastor V. Mark Smith