The LORD of the Law

Exodus 20:1-2

Throughout the scriptures, the Law is known by many names, which means multiple passages reference the Ten Commandments without using what we regard as its most recognizable term. It is amazing to see how much the content of scripture relies on the information given in this short passage of Exodus 20. It was given 3500 years ago and yet remains the most impactful document in the history of man. Though human courts and self-proclaimed moralists disdain it and seek to remove it from every avenue of public life, it is the truth to which the Supreme Judge of the living and the dead will hold us accountable. It is established forever in the court that really counts—the court of Chief Justice, Jesus Christ.

He is identified as the LORD. His name is a description of His abilities and authority. His name gives authority to His Law; it is righteous and just by virtue of the character of the one who gave it. It is good and righteous because He is the ultimate good and righteousness. Every commandment we break is neither good nor helpful for man. It is not only a violation of God, but also a violation of man who is made in the image of God. This is the reason the Ten Commandments address our relationship to God and to each other.

The apostle Paul wrote that the Law was given to show us our offenses. Their magnitude is exceedingly great so that we are left helpless to defend ourselves against the Law’s relentless condemnation. We have no escape from its penalty and are offenders with nothing to shield us from its terrible consequences. The Law has no recourse for lawbreakers. It cannot fix any transgression. It is black and white with no ability to be anything other than what it is. It cannot be merciful—it is sterile, without personality or compassion. However, the judge who enforces it is personal, He is merciful, and He is compassionate. But, He does not clear the guilty by setting aside its punishment. Instead, He allows the penalty to be imposed on a substitute who stands good for the penalty on our behalf.

The Law is marvelous because it sets us up for the manifestation of God’s grace. We could never understand the merciful and gracious character of God without the Law to condemn us. God could have dealt with us based on the Law alone and would have maintained His righteous character, but this would not teach us His whole character. God seeks to be glorified by everything that is inherent in the name LORD. He shows us His justice by bringing us to the judgment seat of the Law, and then takes us around the bench to see the other side where is found His mercy and grace. We learn to reverence, honor, respect, and glorify God through the full revelation of His character.

When we study the name LORD, these amazing facts leap out at us. His name encompasses all these wonderful features—lawgiver, judge, sovereign, AND redeemer. Rejoice because God gave the Law. Obey it for His glory! The commandments are the beginning of the full revelation of Almighty God.

Pastor V. Mark Smith

A Psalm of David or a Psalm of Peter?

Psalm 86

As the title of Psalm 86 reveals, this is a psalm of David. As I read the psalm this week, I noticed how David’s thoughts parallel what must have been in Peter’s mind after he denied Jesus for the third time. This was a dark period in Peter’s life. This is the lowest point, the farthest he ever sunk in the trials of Christian living. Although he made the great confession of faith in Matthew 16, and although he steadfastly protested when Jesus told him what he would do, he still had a moment of weakness that was as bad as the traitor Judas.

The purpose of the story of his failure at the end of Matthew 26 is to show how easily we can fall into denial. In persecution, we may stand strong; in times of heightened sensitivity, we may gather ourselves and with strong resolve, we will not give up our faith. However, Satan rarely attacks at those times. He prefers to wait until we are unprepared; until we are smug and self-assured before he slings his fiery darts. When you lay aside the armor or are too casual to pay attention, Satan has the advantage. Peter was not felled by a burly Roman soldier, but by a little harmless maiden who made no threats.

Peter’s failure was not as sudden as we might think. It was a step by step process. The same is true of our failures. We rarely go from a stellar workhorse for Christ to a scared little weasel who pretends not to know Him.

How does this fit with the psalm? The psalmist wrote in a moment of despair, “Bow down thine ear, O Lord, hear me: for I am poor and needy.” We catch up to the psalm after Peter’s denials. This is when Peter realized his awful mistake. It was when Jesus looked at Him with disappointment that he knew how miserably he failed. Peter’s reaction was the reaction of a true Christian, not of a Judas. It was a gut-wrenching moment and he could not live with himself for what he had done. His tears were not merely tears of regret, but much more deeply felt. They were tears of godly repentance. Can we not image when Peter went out and wept bitterly that verses 5 and 6 of this psalm were the cry of his heart? For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications.”

Peter’s denial was as serious as it gets. Jesus said those who deny Him before men He will deny before His Father in heaven. Peter denied before men, not once but three times. What kept Christ from denying Him? It was his repentance. He proved he was a child that God promised never to forsake. David and Peter prayed with the same confidence knowing that when they fell they would not be finally cast down.

When we sin, their plea must be our plea. Paul wrote, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” No sin is too big for God to forgive. Peter’s story teaches us this lesson. Bitter tears of repentance are always followed by blessed forgiveness and renewal. It is God’s word and you can always count on it.

Pastor V. Mark Smith