The End Is Near!

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. (1 Peter 4:7) 

            I am sure each of you is familiar with the cartoon of a man with long hair and beard standing on a street corner with a sign reading “THE END IS NEAR!” Usually, the sign flanks both the front and rear and some sort of funny caption is placed beneath. The idea is that anyone that thinks the end of the world is approaching is a fool. Every day we wake up to the same sunrise, we head off to work, put in our shift, and then make the drive back home. At night we watch a little TV, crawl into bed and go to sleep. The next morning it starts all over again, and we do this 365 times per year and have done it for every year since we were born. Further, everyone we know has done the same routine with only slight variation and everyone we have ever heard of or read about in the history of the world has done the same. It is no wonder that when someone begins to sound an alarm for the approaching apocalypse, he is considered a fool.

            It has now been 2000 years since Peter wrote “the end of all things is at hand” and no doubt there were many that read his words and said he was a fool. Peter’s reference is to the Second Coming of Christ when God will destroy this universe and all that is contained therein. In his second letter, Peter spoke of scoffers that said “Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” (2 Peter 3:4). Are we to consider Peter a fool because Christ has yet to return? Is the Bible’s warning nonsense?

            It is helpful to understand that although New Testament Christians believed in the imminent return of Christ, they were not date-setters. Peter did not imply he was certain tomorrow, or next week, or next month, the world would end. He followed the consistent pattern of New Testament teaching, especially that of Jesus, which said the Second Coming would be a sudden event that would occur without warning. The “end” refers to the consummation of the ages. “At hand” means the day is approaching. Every day we live we are one day closer to the time Christ will return. We are encouraged therefore to live in anticipation of the event. This does not mean to stand on street corners with signs, although we should witness of it in a rational manner. It does not mean to neglect our daily routines and stare at the sky. It means to guard our personal lives so that we are a living testimony of faith. The closer we are to the Lord in obeying His commands the more it speaks to the degree of our confidence in the truthfulness of the scriptures.

            The prophet Amos said, “Prepare to meet thy God.” Years ago, I remember seeing signs along the roadway that said the same. The time of our life is uncertain and at every turn in life’s roadway there is a possible hazard that could end our lives. It is not as crazy as we might think to say, “the end is near.” One way or another we will meet God. It could be at the suddenness of the Second Coming or at our failure to breathe the next breath. No one knows the time of either. Are you prepared? In either event, you can be by placing your faith in Jesus Christ.

                                                                                    Pastor V. Mark Smith

The Wrong Worldview

As Christians, there is no need for us to be despondent over the way the world is headed. The future of believers is very bright as we are promised to reign with Christ in His millennial kingdom. Yet, there is a sense in which we are greatly dismayed because we know many family and friends will not be a part of it. They will fall in the destruction of Satan because of their rejection of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We must remember the gospel has great enemies to overcome. Satan and his demons are powerful. We are painfully aware of this because of the rapid deterioration of this country which was founded on principles of Christianity. A new worldview is now embraced, one that our Founding Fathers could hardly imagine. Although we may argue about their specific religious beliefs and whether any of them were actually born-again believers, we cannot argue biblical principles influenced their moral and ethical decisions.

The shift in our worldview could not be better elucidated than what George Lucas has done in his indoctrination of movie-goers is his Star Wars films. The religion of Star Wars is decidedly unchristian—in fact paganistic. Coinciding with the release of a new Star Wars film, Peter Jones explained this worldview in an article from Ligonier Ministries. He stated, “In spite of the fun elements we all enjoy, the message of the film is self-consciously pagan.” He goes on to describe the elements of Star Wars religion which are part and parcel of Oneism theology. He explains Oneism is worship of nature: “Worship of nature is Oneism because nature is all there is, and everything is made of the same stuff. ‘All is One!’ This is the essence of a pagan worldview.”

Here are the elements he describes as the Oneist principles of Star Wars. (1) Morality is what you make it. The Force is either good or evil, depending on how you tap into it via your emotions. There is no objective distinction between good and evil. (2) Existence creates itself. Obi-Won Kenobi says, “The force is an energy field created by all living things.” There is no Creator/creature distinction. (3) Spirituality is found within, not revealed from the outside. Luke Skywalker must trust his feelings, empty his mind of questions, and “feel the Force flowing through him” in order to create his own truth. (4) In redemption, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader optimistically “saves” the galaxy and destroys the Emperor, though evil cannot be ultimately eliminated because evil is an integral part of a Oneist world. (5) According to Yoda, death is eternal sleep.

At once we see this worldview is reflected in today’s society. (1) Everything is relative (2) There is no distinction between animals, humans, and machines (3) There are no moral absolutes (4) There is no unique divine/human mediator (5) There is no God separate from us who is Creator and redeemer.

Sadly, the last generation and this one has grown up on Star Wars instead of the Bible. If Star Wars did not shape their worldview, it certainly encapsulated it. It enunciated its principles very clearly. Someday there will be a real Star Wars. God is real, Satan is real, righteousness is real, and evil is real. Jesus Christ the Redeemer is real, and those who trust Him have eternal redemption. Neither those who trust Him nor those that reject Him will experience a death that results in “eternal sleep.” All will give an account to God. The righteous will shine as the stars forever. The wicked will not sleep forever but awake to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2-3).

God has never changed His worldview. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is the factual worldview. Fantasy is—fantasy. You had best make the right distinction between them. Eternity is also forever.


Pastor V. Mark Smith

The Conclusion of Matthew

Matthew ends with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ that has through the centuries changed the lives of millions of people. We are sure of the scripture’s promise that heaven will be filled with a vast number of people who will praise the name of our Lord forever and forever. Their salvation was made possible in only one way—the good news that Jesus came to earth, lived, died, was buried, and then arose from the grave. The sacrifice of our Saviour at Calvary satisfied every demand of God’s justice that was laid against the vile repentant sinner.

The gospel is good news; the best news any person can hear. It does indeed change many hell-bound sinners into heaven-bound saints. For this reason, it is strenuously resisted by Satan and his followers who do everything in their power to corrupt it. The gospel alone can save which means a perverted gospel cannot save. Unfortunately, for the unsuspecting, the means of corruption can be so subtle that many who promote Satan’s methods do not even realize they are helping him accomplish his goal of keeping people blinded to the truth.

Energetic soul-winners who are no doubt often sincere in their efforts to see people saved are often guilty of giving people false assurance by leading them through cheapened presentations of the gospel. When the gospel is reduced to a three to five-minute presentation in which repentance from sin is not mentioned and faith is presented as nothing more than intellectual assent, the ingredients of a false gospel are there. This is not the true gospel of Christ. The true gospel demands genuine sorrow for sin, a sense of self-loathing because of offenses against the holy God, a forsaking and turning from sin in deep contrition, then turning to Christ alone in faith as the only hope of salvation. It also includes the surrender of all we are to the Lordship of Christ over our lives.

Quick five-minute presentations will rarely bring a person to the understanding of these important truths. Enthusiastic soul-winners are lightning fast in their efforts to get people to pray the sinner’s prayer when they have not adequately dealt with the demands of Christ for repentance and faith. This method of soul-winning is never found in scripture. There is not one instance of it in the ministry of Jesus, the apostles, or any evangelist in the New Testament. None of them asked anyone to pray what we call the sinner’s prayer. None of them would have sanctioned this method as an indication of real conviction and turning to Christ in repentant faith. Does this mean we are not to call on the Lord in prayer for salvation? No, we must, but not before we have rejected all that we are and are ready to be humbly obedient to all the Lord commands.

I want you to see these truths. We do not want to sell the gospel short. Never let it be said we have wasted time because our converts never really understood the gospel. Jesus is Lord and Jesus saves! But, Jesus never saves with a false gospel. Repent of all your sins, place your faith in Christ with a faith that leads to obedience to His Lordship.


Pastor V. Mark Smith


Jesus the Judge


In the study of Matthew, I often remarked how this gospel account presents a comprehensive view of the character of Jesus. In most churches, there in only one side presented and even this view is seriously misguided. Jesus is seen as a loving Saviour, as a kind benefactor, and as the most politically correct person you could ever meet. He never questions a motive nor does He ever rebuke an evil lifestyle. He will advise you to be kind and benevolent, to be peaceful and loving, and to be tolerant of everybody. The strong passages that speak of condemnation in hell and the utter destruction of the wicked are largely ignored.

I suppose the greatest tragedy of the understanding of Jesus is the divorcement of Him from the Old Testament scriptures. It is as if the God of the Old Testament is nothing but wrath and hatred while the Jesus of the New came to change the harshness of Israel’s God. This view fails to take into account this all important attribute of God—His immutability. God does not change, and if we understand who Jesus is in the real scriptural view, we will understand the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New. If God does not change, then whatever God says in the Old Testament is the same as He says in the New Testament. The same actions of the Old Testament are the actions of the New.

Thus we come to Psalm 50 which is a representation of God as our judge. In this psalm, we are taught that God judges all. Not only is He the judge, He is also the prosecutor and His prosecution rests its case in the infallibility and absolute righteousness of His law. In this psalm, God accused Israel of false worship in which they disobeyed His statutes, but they brought their offerings as if they could make up for their wickedness by giving God a pacifier. The point the psalmist makes is that God needs nothing from us. Sacrifices are not acceptable payment for a heart that is cold in its obedience. There is also warning against those who pretend to know God and use Him as if He approves while having no relationship with Him.

The ultimate result of this is divine judgment. Judgment will fall because of the transgression of His holy law. Very simply, God is the judge. This is important to us as we piece together the responsibilities of Jesus revealed in the New Testament. He is nothing different from the God of the Old who will judge according to His righteous standard. We must carefully observe Jesus’ statements in John 5:22 and 5:27: “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son…And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.” All judgment is committed to the Son who is one with the Father.

When the Old Testament was written, the final judgment was yet future just as it still is today. In other words, final judgment has not yet occurred, so whatever judgment was promised by God in the Old Testament will be fulfilled by Jesus who is appointed by the Father to be the judge. The inescapable conclusion is that Jesus in the New Testament will judge with all the wrathful enforcement promised in the Old. This is the real picture of this aspect of Jesus’ divine work.

This is a very foreboding prospect and should be rightfully considered such. However, there is a more hopeful prospect revealed in both the Old and New Testaments about prosecutorial conduct. The prosecutor who placed the charges against us is the same who is willing to set us free. He does not pardon us because we are not guilty but because He will take our punishment for us.

Do you need to fear Him as your judge? Not unless you are in unbelief. Otherwise you can welcome God’s judgment because you know the perfect righteousness of Christ has covered all your transgressions. What better way to meet the judge than with the perfect righteousness He provided? Consider who Jesus really is. Either fear His judgment or rejoice in it. Which way is He your judge?

Pastor V. Mark Smith



Fairest Lord Jesus

Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. (Psalms 45:2)

When Jesus gave His disciples the model prayer, He first ascribed honor to God by saying, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.”  This was His address to teach us that before we begin to speak to God, we must acknowledge His name is holy and He stands above all the creation. This address to the Father is preparation for the cry that should be on the lips of all God’s creatures. Jesus taught us to say, “Thy kingdom come.”

Our congregational reading today is from Psalm 45 which is one of the most outstanding of the psalms concerning the King of this great kingdom. A plea for the kingdom to come is not just for a change in the corruption that now exists in the world; it is not just for the lifting of the curse and the desire for our lives to be better. It is a joyful longing to see the King Himself. “Thy kingdom come,” is the plea for Heaven’s beautiful sovereign to come in splendor and glory, to be present with us, and to shine His radiance about us.

As the psalmist began this psalm, such sublime thoughts were the attitude of his heart. He picked up his pen and praises began to flow effortlessly as the ink went down on the parchment. He thought about the King and with enraptured thoughts he began to describe Him: “Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips…” Doesn’t this sound like John who in the gospel account wrote: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14)? No one who has seen Christ by faith has any other view of Him. The psalmist wrote his words by faith for he had not seen Christ. How would he know what to expect? This is what the Holy Spirit does for all who have come to Christ by faith. The Holy Spirit inspired the psalmist as He spoke to his mind the beauties of Christ. He superintended the writing of the psalm. We are not inspired to write scripture but we are inspired with the meaning of it. The Holy Spirit teaches us and when we read these words we feel the same way. The Christ that we have not seen with natural eyes is met through eyes illuminated with faith. We see what we could never see before—in Him is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3).

Notice how the psalmist says in verse seven that Christ has been anointed with the oil of gladness. Surely we wonder if he knew the full implications of what he wrote. This King is different from all others because combined in Him are two offices. He is both priest and King which was a combination unknown to Israel. These two offices are separate, always separate. And yet, the King is anointed with the oil of gladness which refers to the anointing oil by which priests were consecrated in their office. The combined kingship and priesthood of Christ is pictured in Melchizedek in the days of Abraham, and David mentions Melchizedek in Psalm 110, but not until we get to Hebrews in the New Testament do we understand the full significance of this mysterious Bible story. Is it not the Holy Spirit who blessed the psalmist’s pen with this thought?

And then we notice verse six in which Christ is declared to be God: “Thy throne, O God, is forever.” Again in Hebrews (1:8), we are told this scripture refers to Christ. Without question He is God, so we need not back down from those who say the Bible declares Jesus to be nothing more than a good man.

This psalm has so many wonderful lessons that like the psalmist it is easy to write and keep on writing. Unfortunately, bulletin articles are not good for endless thoughts. Even the great apostle John knew he could not write forever. He concluded the gospel story by saying the world cannot contain the books that could be written about Christ.

Read this psalm over and over and see if you do not feel the same. Thy Kingdom Come! Pray for it because it is this King that is fairer than the children of men who brings it.

Pastor V. Mark Smith

What Did Jesus Really Say?

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: (Revelation 14:10)

Recently, I was visiting with a lady in a nearby neighborhood discussing salvation and what it means to know Jesus Christ personally as Saviour. At the beginning of the conversation, this lady freely admitted that she had not read much of the Bible because it was too hard to understand. And yet, she had opinions about Christ and what He taught.

I find in my discussions with many people there is a great deal of misunderstanding about who they think Jesus is and what He said and did as opposed to the Bible’s record of His words and deeds. It is very rare to meet people that are adverse to Jesus Christ since He is universally recognized for His kindness, care and compassion for those that are downcast and hurting. Without having read the Bible, many assume they know exactly who Jesus is and most of the time He thinks and acts just like they do. If their politics are liberal and they support such things as gay rights and gay marriages, they will appeal to Jesus and say it is unchristian not to fight for the equality of all people. On the other hand, if the person is very conservative and does not favor things such as gun control, the argument is that Jesus and the Bible favor strong protection of families and these types of personal individual rights. Whatever our politics or religion may be, no one wants to think their position is opposed to Jesus Christ. You will never hear a churchman or a politician say, “I don’t care what Jesus taught or did, He was wrong!” So, they just pretend Jesus thinks the same as they do.

In my conversation with this neighbor, the statement was made, “I think we are all God’s children and all will eventually find our way to God and everybody will be in heaven.” When I asked, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?” the answer was affirmative. “Do you believe He is God?” The answer again was “Yes.” “Do you believe if Jesus is God that He must always tell the truth?” Again, the answer was “Yes.” I then asked, “Did you know Jesus said there are some people that are not the children of God? Did you know He said some have Satan as their father and they do the works of Satan? Did you know Jesus said that all people are not going to heaven?” At this point, I gave the scripture references where these statements of Jesus are found.

As I said, this is not really uncommon. Perhaps we should not be too surprised that the average person really doesn’t know much about Jesus and the Bible. We should be surprised, however, when we find the same abject ignorance among those that stand in pulpits and preach from the Bible! We could go down a long list of Bible doctrines and show how convoluted the teachings of pastors and teachers are that claim to believe what the Bible says. None of them will happily admit they are opposed to Jesus and the teachings of scripture.

This thought comes to my mind when reading Revelation 14:10-11. There are those that deny the eternity of hell, and either believe hell does not exist, or is a place of annihilation. This is an opinion unsupported by the word of God. Those that refuse the gospel of Christ and will not submit to His authority, “…shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever…” These words were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and agree with Jesus’ words in Mark 9:42-48.

If Jesus is God, then knowing exactly what He said and meant is the most critical information you could ever know. You may think you know Him and you may think He thinks like you. Don’t make the mistake of finding out otherwise when it is too late. Hear Him now and believe Him now. Tomorrow may be too late.

Pastor V. Mark Smith