Church Discipline

            In our study of the Laodicean church, I have used a word that sounds scary to some. It conjures up thoughts of church councils, trials, judgment, and torture. The word is discipline.We speak of discipling our children and most of the time we mean we have given them some sort of punishment to modify their behavior. This is not the way the Bible uses the term.

            Discipline is related to disciple which in its verb form means to teach. In the noun form, it is a person who is taught. The purpose of discipline is to instruct and to correct through instruction. It does not need to be considered a form of punishment.

            As it concerns the Laodicean church, the counsel the Lord gave them was not punishment but an appeal for them to change their ways and to receive Him back into the church. This is always the goal of discipline. It is to restore to fellowship and to bring us back into harmony with the Lord and our fellow church members. Thus, discipline is not considered punitive but formative.

            We become confused about discipline when it must be stepped up to the next level. Sometimes we must protect the church by removing members that are involved in serious sins. We always remember that each of us is sinful, but there are some sins that are categorized as too harmful to the testimony of the body to let them go unanswered. These offenders must have their membership rescinded until they repent of their sin. There is no greater temporal judgment we can pass than to remove someone from fellowship.

            We learn this biblical and effective method from Paul’s instructions to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 5. A man in the church was guilty of a sexual sin and had to be removed. Paul was concerned about the reproach on the name of Christ and how it would harm the church’s testimony. Later in 2 Corinthians, we learn the discipline worked. The man repented and was restored to fellowship. This is the expected result when a believer is confronted with his sin. If he does not repent as a response to this serious action, we are to assume he is an unbeliever. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to draw His people to Him. If this does not happen, what are we to assume but that they do not belong to Christ?

            Removing members for sexual sins should not be a point of contention between us. The scriptures are clear what needs to be done. However, some offenses may not seem as serious, but they too warrant excisive discipline. We remove members for non-attendance which is often seen as an inconsequential action. It is merely procedural and does not carry the same weight as removal for other reasons. Is this true? I do not believe so.

The reason for removal does not change the eternal weight of the Lord’s most important institution. Non-attendance shows contempt for the Lord’s work. This contempt is also a sign of unbelief. We cannot love Christ if we do not love His church. The church is not helped by members that do not attend. Often, they are involved in a deep sin that we are not aware.

Our duty is to protect our church. The Lord expects the purity of the body. Therefore, we will follow the instructions in the Bible. When we obey, we reflect the proper understanding of discipline. Christ wants only dedicated people in His church, and so do we.

                                                                        Pastor V. Mark Smith

Thank God for Our Church

           At times, it seems we hope against hope for our survival as each year presents new challenges to our faith. Gruesome presidential and congressional elections present us with no good options, or at least none we feel we can make without violating every decency of a sanctified conscience. Never have Christian Americans had to vote for such unqualified evil. We are torn between our patriotic duty of voting, and the feeling if we vote we might conflict with our duty as citizens of our heavenly country. How do we vote when evil wins either way? I am thankful Bereans can sit together in church today, and despite our different political opinions, we rejoice as one in the word of God.

            How are we able to do this? It is because our political divisions pale in comparison to our spiritual agreements. We are not divided about the gospel. We have firm unchanging conviction in the saving power of Jesus Christ. No campaign for a different salvation will shake us from our belief in justification by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

            We are not divided on the Bible. We believe it is the inerrant, inspired word of God that is our constitution of faith and practice. We are not divided on its proper translation. We believe the King James Version is the best translation for English speaking people.

            We are not divided on Christ. There is no other way to the Father but through Him. He is the way, the truth, and the life. We believe salvation is exclusively in Him as the author and finisher of our faith. We are not divided on His cross, believing it is the only place for our sins to be forgiven. We are not divided on His death as the atonement for our sins and that Christ died as a penal substitute to redeem us from all iniquity.

            We are not divided about our standing in Christ. We are held safely and securely in the Father’s hand and no power of hell can separate us from the His love. Our perseverance in the faith is assured because He is the defender of His people.

            We are not divided on the work of the Holy Spirit. He regenerated us when we were dead in trespasses and sin and brought us to life in order to hear and believe the gospel. His work precedes our repentance and faith in a secret operation upon the soul. We realize this work only by the fruits it produces. We are not divided on His sanctification of believers which is sealed to us upon our belief. We receive the Spirit in His fullness as an abiding presence when we place our faith in Christ.

            We are not divided concerning the Father’s work of choosing us in Christ before the foundation of the world. All benefits of salvation flow out of this sovereign choice founded only in the good pleasure of His will. No blessings are secured to us based on any act of foreseen faith.

            And lastly, we are not divided about the body of Christ, the church of the living God. We are a visible body complete in Him—vessels of mercy made to glorify Him through the preaching of the gospel. Our duty is to bring more of His chosen ones to the throne of His grace.

            We are thankful that human government rules temporally for the good of our society. We have no trust in it beyond God’s stated purpose to be His instrument to restrain evil. Though it often disappoints and causes temporary dissent, it will not dampen our enthusiasm or ruin our faith that God always does all things well. God’s kingdom and His church are great no matter who our government officials may be.

Pastor V. Mark Smith

The Perfect Name of God

Exodus 20:7

The third of the Ten Commandments speaks of the glory and majesty of God’s name. The commandment says we are not to take the Lord’s name in vain. Many times, I have commented on the spelling of LORD in all caps which in this part of the scriptures represents the Hebrew name of God transliterated into the letters YHWH known as the tetragrammaton. The true pronunciation of this name is not known, although in English we say Jehovah or Yahweh. This is the name by which God was known to Moses revealed in the supernatural appearance of the burning bush.

            The Jews held the name of God in such reverence that what was written in the transcription of His word they would not speak when it was read aloud. Since they would not speak the name, this leads to confusion over how the ancients would have pronounced it. As they read, they would substitute another of the many names used throughout scripture. Commonly, this would be the name Adonai.The seriousness over speaking the name aloud may have gone beyond the pale of reasonableness, but it nevertheless strongly insisted that God’s name should never be used in light hearted frivolous ways and certainly never with profanity.

            I am reminded of the many ways this command can be broken. Thomas Watson identified twelve ways it can be broken and in most of those ways he posited many sub-points. Ezekiel Hopkins gave five ways but those five were equally as verbose as Watson. This tells us most Christians do not know how many times they have broken the command without realizing it.

            One of the most intriguing ways to me is the misinterpretation and misapplication of scripture. Whenever we interpret by insisting God said something He did not say, we attach the authority of His name to a falsehood. I believe many preachers would do this without intent, but I believe many others are malicious or otherwise very careless in their study. They shake the foundations of truth and utterly blaspheme God. The worst offenders are the priests of Roman Catholicism and the preachers of the charismatic movement. These are opposite extremes although the gap between them is rapidly closing. In the gap between these two, are many Christians who know enough to be saved but are taught multiple false doctrines.

            The danger of breaking the commandment in this way lays great responsibility on preachers to be very diligent in their studies. Every text must be approached carefully. The word of God is the expression of God Himself. Jesus is the living word as John 1 shows, which means any misinterpretation of it is a misunderstanding of Christ. We do not often consider these misunderstandings seriously, and as I said they are often unintentional.

            Thankfully, the Lord knows our human frailties. He knows this commandment will not be kept perfectly until we reach glorification in heaven. Then, we will know God face to face in all His perfections. Our service to Him will be perfect and all misunderstandings will fade away in the face of Christ. I cannot wait until that day comes. Until then, we will do our best to depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.

                                                                        Pastor V. Mark Smith

Remove Not the Ancient Landmark

Proverbs 22:28

There is scarcely a Christian in a fundamental church that has not heard a sermon on Proverbs 22:28. There is no debate over the original meaning of the verse. Landmarks were used to set the boundaries of a person’s property. These were set to designate the ownership of land in recognition of a person’s legal right to a specific part of the land. Often, large stones placed at corners of the property made it obvious to others where the property lines extended. We still use the same basic principles today in less obvious ways. Surveyors set property pins. It is impossible to move the property lines by theft since modern surveying techniques do not depend on physical markers. GPS coordinates take their place. But, in Bible times, to move a marker to increase one’s part of the land and to decrease another’s, was very dishonest and destructive to property owners.

The question about this text is whether it is right to make a spiritual application. I have never heard of a fundamental preacher who said we should not. It is a favorite text for teaching the danger of moving away from the great doctrines of the Bible. These doctrines are the markers of our faith and practice. We cannot go beyond or fall short of them. To do so is to destroy the faith as it was once delivered by the Holy Spirit through New Testament authorship (Jude 1:3). In Jude’s terms, contending for the faith is the defense of these landmarks.

As Bereans, we examine every doctrine to be sure it corresponds to the written word. If it does not, we reject it as an attempt to move the landmark. In two thousand years of church history, many splinter groups have been busy moving landmarks all over the map. They put new ones down while adjusting others or completely removing them. These bogus landmarks should be soundly rejected. If they are not scriptural, they do not come from God. This shows the main positioning pin is vital. This pin is the belief the Bible is the infallible, unchanging word of God.

When others describe our church as a traditional church, some may think this refers to our worship style, such as the types of songs we sing and the way we present them. This is a tradition in one sense, but not the tradition we care to be most descriptive. Rather, we want to be known as a traditional Bible church. We want to be known as those who have no other standards than those found in God’s word. We want no other doctrines than those we can defend with an open Bible. We want no other text of scripture than translations that are faithful to the author’s original intent. We want no flirtation with non-biblical methods of increasing attendance. The church belongs to Christ and He will build it as He sees fit.

Don’t move the landmarks! Every doctrine must fit as God delivered it in His word. We preach nothing more as if to add is to help the word, and we preach nothing less as if to subtract is to correct the word. The word as given is sufficient to furnish us to all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).


Pastor V. Mark Smith


Thank God for Our Church

(This article was written two years ago before the presidential election. I believe it is as timely today with upcoming elections as it was then.)

At times, it seems we hope against hope for our survival as each year presents new challenges to our faith. The gruesome presidential election is over, which for the first time presented us with no good options, or at least none we felt we could make without violating every decency of a sanctified conscience. Never have Christian Americans had to vote for such unqualified evil. We were torn between our patriotic duty of voting, and a feeling if we did vote we might in fact conflict with our duty as citizens of the heavenly country. How do you vote when evil wins either way? You can decide how you feel about the outcome. I am thankful that Bereans can sit together in church today, and that despite different political opinions, we rejoice as one in the word of God.

How are we able to do this? It is because our political divisions pale in comparison to our spiritual agreements. We are not divided about the gospel. We have firm unchanging conviction in the saving power of Jesus Christ. No campaign for a different salvation will shake us from our belief in justification by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

We are not divided on the Bible. We believe it is the inerrant, inspired word of God that is our constitution of faith and practice. We are not divided on its proper translation. We believe the King James Version is the best translation for English speaking people.

We are not divided on Christ. There is no other way to the Father but through Him. He is the way, the truth, and the life. We believe salvation is exclusively in Him as the author and finisher of our faith. We are not divided on His cross, believing it is the only place for our sins to be forgiven. We are not divided on His death as the atonement for our sins and that Christ died as a penal substitute to redeem us from all iniquity.

We are not divided about our standing in Christ. We are held safely and securely in the Father’s hand and no power of hell can separate us from the His love. Our perseverance in the faith is assured because He is the defender of His people.

We are not divided on the work of the Holy Spirit. He regenerated us when we were dead in trespasses and sin and brought us to life to hear and believe the gospel. His work precedes our repentance and faith in a secret operation upon the soul. We realize it only by the fruits it produces. We are not divided on His sanctification of believers which is sealed to us upon our belief. We receive Him in His fullness as an abiding presence when we place our faith in Christ.

We are not divided concerning the Father’s work of choosing us in Christ before the foundation of the world. All benefits of salvation flow out of this sovereign choice founded only in the good pleasure of His will. No blessings are secured to us based on any act of foreseen faith.

And lastly, we are not divided about the body of Christ, the church of the living God. We are a visible body complete in Him—vessels of mercy made to glorify Him through the preaching of the gospel. Our duty is to bring more of His chosen ones to the throne of His grace.

We are thankful that human government rules temporally for the good of our society. We have no trust in it beyond God’s stated purpose to be His instrument to restrain evil. Though it often disappoints and causes temporary dissent, it will not dampen our enthusiasm or ruin our faith that God always does all things well. Rejoice with us in our Thanksgiving holiday. God’s kingdom and His church are great no matter who our elected representatives may be.


Pastor V. Mark Smith

For Sale: The Gospel: Are You Buying?

Our focus in this article is the real meaning of the gospel, which sadly is distorted and misunderstood by many. The gospel is the good news, but what particularly is this news?

Some say it is the news that God has a wonderful plan for your life. I believe this is far too simplistic even to the point of being almost heretical. There are many who have a very bad plan mapped for their lives because God has no dealings with them. To assume God has a good plan for them that might not happen is too have too little confidence that He is able to make any plan happen. On the other hand, for those who hear and believe, it is rare their lives include much good—at least not an attractive good that would cause them to come to Christ. Jesus said the lives of His people would be filled with suffering. They would be hated, ridiculed, and considered the scum of the earth.

As we know, God’s wonderful plan is for the afterlife which puts us in the position of enduring the world until this plan is realized. This is not to say a Christian cannot be happy and find peace and contentment in this life. The apostles suffered beatings for their preaching, and yet they rejoiced they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. Most do not consider this their kind of joy.

Rarely do we find an honest approach with the gospel. Most feel they must sell the gospel as the most attractive offer you can get. If the pot is not sweetened enough, nobody will buy. However, the real gospel does not need to be sold. The Holy Spirit is not concerned whether people weigh the pros and cons of believing and decide accordingly. The Spirit convicts the heart and brings the person to Christ despite all his objections. He makes us willing to receive the gospel when before we were dead set against it. No matter how bad it looks, people will come to Christ because they have been made willing through His power (Psalms 110:3).

In the days of the apostles, it was impossible to hide the negative aspects of belief in Christ. People could see what it meant to follow Him. Christians lining the roads for miles on crosses was a pretty good indication what it meant to trust Christ. If this is what you were selling, they weren’t buying. In one interesting case in Acts 5, it wasn’t enemies that killed Christians—it was God. Two believers were struck dead for lying to God. In that passage, it says fear came on the people. Many wanted nothing to do with the apostles for fear they would be killed as well. Interestingly, those that were drawn to Christ continued to come and the church continued its rapid growth.

Is it necessary to resort to deceitful tactics and hide the truth? A gospel that is not radical and changes the lives of those who believe is no gospel at all. The good news is the saving power of Christ not a short, sweet version that involves little to no commitment. The gospel may cost your life. It declares the wrath of God against sin and the penalty in hell for those who commit them. It provides the alternative for eternal death by repentance from all sin, faith in Jesus Christ alone, and surrender to His Lordship over the life.

This kind of commitment is not good news for those looking for comfort. Christianity does not end life’s problems. It may very well create many more. You cannot sell this because nobody is buying. Tell the truth. The truth is used by the Holy Spirit to save no matter how difficult it is to believe.


Pastor V. Mark Smith

The Word of God or Spirit of God?


In our Fundamentals of the Faith class, we studied the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. One of the very important topics of the Spirit’s work is His filling. We learned that being filled with the Spirit is the same in meaning as being filled with the word of God. In relation to this, I read a great article by J.D. Greear in TableTalk magazine that I thought was well worth repeating here.

Greear wrote: “When it comes to the Holy Spirit, Christians tend to gravitate toward one of two extremes. Some pursue experience in the Spirit apart from the inscripturated Word of God. They listen for voices in their hearts or seek ‘signs’ from God in the heavens. Others, however, seek to know and obey the Word without any tangible interaction with the Spirit. These Christians believe the Spirit, but they relate to Him the way I relate to my pituitary gland: I’m really grateful it’s in there; I know it’s essential for something. I would never want to lose it…but I don’t really interact with it. For these Christians, the Holy Spirit is not a moving dynamic person. He’s more of a theory.

“The problem with both sides is the assumption that we have to choose between the Word and the Spirit. But Scripture indicates that the two work inseparably. The vibrant Christian life is a union of clarity in the Word and openness to the Spirit. If we seek the Spirit of God apart from the Word of God, our faith will end in shipwreck. More havoc has been wreaked in the church following the words the Spirit of God just said to me…than any other phrase. God’s Spirit never acts independently of His Word. Since He inspired it, why would He work apart from it?

“But in the same way, if you seek to obey the Word apart from the power of the Spirit, not only will your spiritual life be lifeless and dull, you’ll also miss out on the help God wants to give you and the most exciting things He has planned for you. You’ll miss out on the dynamism of relationship. I know; I’ve been there.

“If you want to be led by the Spirit of God, then devote yourself to the Word of God. The Spirit’s primary vehicle for moving and speaking in our lives is the scriptures. The Spirit, through His Word, works in us to shape us into the kind of people God wants us to be, we will do the things God wants us to do.

“Almost every time we see the phrase ‘the will of God’ in the Bible, it refers to the shaping of our moral character in response to the gospel. The Spirit conforms us to Christ’s character: ‘For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son’ (Rom. 8:29). ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind’ (12:2). And the Spirit helps us walk the paths of wisdom that the righteous travel (Prov.2:20-22; see 1 Cor. 2:6-16). As we do, we accomplish the will of God.

“You won’t know the Spirit any more than you know the Word. But the Word won’t yield up its treasures until you allow God’s Spirit to apply it directly to you. So, if you want to walk with the Spirit of God, get on your knees and open your Bible.” (Tabletalk, June 6&7, The Word of God or Spirit of God?)

This article perfectly complements our teaching on the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Never expect any movement of the Spirit without the knowledge of the Word and heartfelt obedience to it. Every Christian is indwelled by the Spirit, but not all are adequately filled. Filling is in direct proportion to your surrender of obedience to the Word. Expect us to continue to exposit the Word because we desire the Word of Christ to dwell in you richly (Col. 3:16).



Pastor V. Mark Smith

A Providential Preaching Plan


Psalm 66

On many occasions, I am simply amazed at the numbers of times our congregational readings will interface with the subjects of Sunday morning sermons. Rarely do I choose a reading that purposely corresponds, since we are reading through the psalms each week taking them in order. I find the same coincidences (?) when teaching the Fundamentals Class on Wednesday evenings. I find myself constantly telling the class I do not want to divulge Sunday morning material, but we often tread the same ground without purposely arranging it. I would relegate this to mere coincidence if I did not believe the Holy Spirit is in charge of the entire ministry of Berean. If you wonder who plans these services—God does!

Some years ago, I was speaking with another pastor who was surprised our preaching schedule is planned more than one week at a time. He said he preferred to be “fresh” so the Spirit could speak immediately to the needs at the moment. I would maintain that a God who is omniscient and who chose us and planned our salvation before the foundation of the world is well capable of seeing a month or two in advance. He knows this congregation’s needs and the timing of them without consulting with me!

This be as it may, Psalm 66 crosses over into today’s sermon territory, because I believe it speaks of the praise that will be offered in the millennial kingdom. Our subject for today’s message is the reasons we believe there will be an actual Messianic kingdom on the earth. It delves into the citizens of the kingdom and the criteria of judgment for their permission to enter.

As I read this Psalm, I was reminded of Isaiah 53. This great chapter is perhaps the most well-known in the Old Testament, aside from Psalm 23, and is about redeemed Israel in the millennium as they contemplate the great crime of crucifying Christ in the first advent. They did not realize the wounds they inflicted were for their own salvation. Having come to this understanding and having trusted Him as their only redeemer, they can only reflect with amazement at His willingness to suffer so much for them when they shamefully despised Him and put Him to grief.

Psalm 66 steps beyond this as now they think back to the former days when God showed His mercy to Israel. He performed countless miracles on their behalf to ensure their survival. How sweet are the words of verse 9: “Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.” How different will Israel’s attitude be towards the Messiah when He brings them through the Tribulation and gives them the glorious kingdom promised to their father David: For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people Israel to be a people unto thee for ever: and thou, LORD, art become their God.” (2 Samuel 7:24)  In the first advent, He was not their God: “But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.” (Luke 19:14)  It will be different in the kingdom age when they look on the one they pierced and recognize Him as Messiah King (Zech. 12:10).

It blesses the heart of the preacher when the Holy Spirit so skillfully blends the worship with appropriate songs, readings, and sermons. Praise God He controls the service, and we worship according to His plan, not ours. Give all the glory to Him!

Pastor V. Mark Smith





Christ Beyond Understanding

Psalm 61

“From the end of the earth I will cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”  Never has a verse been a more heartfelt cry of dependence than this. In the worst of times when we feel we are literally at the end of the earth, with despair like the fear of dying and helpless to go on living, we cry out to the only sure refuge in our awful desperation. What do you do when your world is crushed in heartache and you feel utterly alone?

In the past few weeks, many have reached out to ask for prayer because they face these kinds of circumstances. They are overwhelmed in their grief and may not know what to say, but only to ask, pray for me. Overwhelmed, the burdens are too heavy and there is nothing on the inside that can ease the pain or make them lighter. It is in these times that we seek someone higher. Not a nameless undefined higher power, but a rock of refuge who has proved His ability time and time again. The rock David refers to is Jehovah God for never in scripture is any mortal man referred to as a rock. For who is God, save the LORD? and who is a rock, save our God? (2 Samuel 22:32)  This rock is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the spiritual Rock who is always there (1 Cor. 10:4).

David is filled with metaphors for the one who always sustained him. Christ is a rock, a shelter, a strong tower, a tabernacle, a winged cherub, and a king. We might as easily say He is all in all, the one who is everything and from us withholds nothing. It is impossible to remain in despair when we know such incredible help is always available.

Those of you that are most familiar with my favorite subjects might well suppose I would be drawn to verse 4 with its references to the tabernacle. The person of Christ shines no brighter in any place in scripture than in the building and articles of this sacred structure. David would dwell in the tabernacle forever for there he sees God as the covering of salvation. There is a door through which we reach the incomparable glories of Christ. The door is faith and it opens to a golden room where the Holy Spirit lightens the believer to a world never remotely imagined.

Here is Christ as the nourishment of life in the shewbread. He is the sweet smell of incense on the altar as He lifts our prayers to the Father. He is the mercy seat where atonement is selflessly made for our sins. There is no beauty like Him so that He defies any adequate description. In verse 6, Christ is the eternal king whose days are prolonged to provide unceasing intercession. As long as He lives we live, enabling us to perform our vows of worship to the one who deserves love and adoration beyond all others.

It is difficult to express the sentiments of this psalm until you have been to the lowest place and been lifted out. When you reach the bottom and there is nowhere to look but up, this is when Christ means more than you can ever imagine. If He is this lovely through sinful eyes, think how matchless He will be when we reach perfection! Like heaven itself it is too much for mortal comprehension. Christ beyond understanding must satisfy us for now.

Pastor V. Mark Smith



Who Is Worst of All?

Psalm 55

Does it seem incredibly unlikely that the most beloved person in the history of mankind and the most hated person in history lived at the same time, knew each other, and were friends? With the billions that have lived on planet earth, how could such a thing be possible? As unlikely as it seems, it is true and none of us has any trouble guessing who these polar opposites are. The first is Jesus Christ. He was the exemplary human, perfect in every detail, kind, compassionate, filled with love, and as John said, “Full of grace and truth.” Nothing honestly disparaging could ever be written about Him.

On the other hand, there is Judas. He is described in Psalm 55 as an acquaintance who took sweet counsel with Christ. And yet, he is the universally despised, the universally hated, and the one who disgusts us all. So extreme is the hatred of Judas that his name is never given to any of our children. None of us wants to be identified with him in any way. He is the antithesis of the holiness and righteousness of Jesus Christ. As high as the exaltation of Christ can go, so is the measurement of how low the denunciation of Judas can go.

Is it really such a mystery that in all the annals of time the most despicable should be in contact with the most delightful? It should not seem strange because the worst crime committed must be against the one who least deserves it. The worst offense is against the one who least deserves to be offended.

The extreme disappointment in Judas is reflected in David’s words of Psalms 55:11-14: “Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets. For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.” David was thinking of Ahithophel, but the Holy Spirit had Judas in mind.

Judas walked in communion with Jesus. He was treated as a brother even though Jesus knew from the beginning what He would do. There was nothing in Jesus that could possibly draw out such hatred as Judas had for Him in the betrayal. We agonize over his treacherous actions because Judas did his worst against the best. He is the model none of us wants to emulate, and each of us sits in judgment thinking we would never do what he did.

Would you consider this scripture for just a moment? “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?” (Romans 2:1-3) In the following verse, Rom. 2:4, the restraint, the patience, and the goodness of God is still there despite the hatred of Him. “Or despiseth thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” Who is the most despicable character of all? Who is the person that none should name his child after? Are you ready for a confession? The answer is ME. I have done the worst to the one who is the best. I hated Him; I betrayed Him; I drove nails into His hands and feet. I compete with Paul who said, “I am the chief of sinners.”

Is it a mystery the most beloved person of all time should live at the same time as the most hated? Not at all. Christ came in contact with humanity and that says it all.

Pastor V. Mark Smith