The Beauty of the King James Version

Psalm 85:10

This week as I was preparing for this article on the Psalms, I was reminded of why we love the King James Version of scripture. The language is so beautiful it is truly a joy to read. For an interesting perspective on the beauty of the language, I recommend Leland Ryken’s book, The Legacy of the King James Bible, which was written for the five hundredth anniversary of this beloved version.

First, let me say these comments will be rejected out of hand by many as being simplistic and naïve. I really do not care since this is my article and opinion which is not obligated to be yours. I note that it is interesting many modern readers still associate the King James Version with the words of God. We think this is the way God speaks, and in quoting scripture we freely retain the use of archaic words such as thee and thou. There seems to be a sense of authority in these old words that is not the same as when replaced with you and you for both as my spell checker is wont to do. There are also many sayings from the King James that have made their way into the vernacular. These most likely would not be remembered if they were not spoken at first in an uncommon way.

The reason I was reminded of our love for this translation is Psalms 85:10: “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” This verse speaks of Christ, and we wonder how these virtues could have been spoken more eloquently. If you compare this verse to one of the modern versions, the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB), the translation is wooden and vulgar. This translation reads: “Faithful love and truth will join together, righteousness and peace will embrace.” The cadence and the removal of the word kissed makes the verse seem…well, like kissing your sister. There is not much feeling when said this way. It makes you wonder why changes are made that are wholly unnecessary. The eloquence of the language is destroyed, and quite frankly, we cannot imagine God would say it this way.

We are quite sure that God did not speak King James English since Old Testament scripture was written in Hebrew. At that time, English of any kind was unheard of. However, we can well imagine that when God spoke in man’s language it was not slangily unrefined. I do not know if my point is understood, but having grown up with the King James I have a sense of what sounds biblical and what does not. This is what the King James has done to me. It may seem strange, but I think the King James remained popular for four hundred and fifty of the past five hundred years because of its difference. We respect it as the Word of God not just for its content but also for its sweetness to the ears.

Have you noticed that since modern versions have become popular there is far less respect for the scriptures? We make more defenses of the Bible than ever before and the need seems to parallel the discarding of the King James translation. The argument goes that we need a more readable version so that we can understand better and be more interested. This is passing strange when our society has more college graduates than ever before. The understanding of science and the advancement of technology is bursting at the seams, and yet we are baffled by a few archaic words! The conclusion of the argument must be that our generation is dumber than the one before. And that point I will gladly concede.

The real problem is that if people want a Bible at all they want one that does not require deep thought or diligent study. No matter what version you read, if the translation has a modicum of truth, it will not be discovered without the Holy Spirit’s guidance. We do not believe every word of some of the modern translations is bad. The same archaic words of the King James are changed in the preaching and exposition of the text. The point is that respect for the scriptures is fostered by its difference from everyday speech. God’s Word is uncommon and the use of eloquent language in its own way adds to its mystique. “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” Do you have a lovelier and more poetic way of saying this? Didn’t think so.

Pastor V. Mark Smith


The Promise of the Resurrection

I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. (Psalms 40:1-2)

In last Sunday morning’s message, we had the opportunity to study Psalm 110 in which David declared Jesus to be the sovereign Lord. In the Gospel of John, chapter 5 Jesus gave a wonderful exposition of the resurrection, and then He said there are witnesses that testify to the truthfulness of His words. John the Baptist was one of those witnesses. He was a truly remarkable prophet that had the unique privilege of announcing Jesus as the Lamb of God. Jesus also said the Father bears witness of Him, but that witness is only received by those whom the Father will reveal the Son. A third witness in that passage is the scriptures. Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (5:39).

With the command to search, we would expect to be able to go to the Old Testament and find Christ. This is why Jesus took the Jews to Psalm 110 where David bore testimony to His Lordship. Our congregational reading today takes us to another place where Jesus is found in the Old Testament psalms. The entire 40th Psalm is about Christ, but verses 1 and 2 are the particular focus of my article today. These verses speak of the resurrection with verse 2 being a personal favorite: “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” These are words of praise as Jesus acknowledged the Father’s promise. In the eternal covenant of redemption between the Father and the Son, the Father promised to bring safely home all those for whom Christ would die. The first fruit of this promise is that Christ would be resurrected—a critical event without which the promise fails. The resurrection of Christ was the Father’s stamp of approval on the redemptive work of the Son. When this promise was fulfilled, heaven must have thundered with praise because at this point redemption was forever sealed.

However, there was never any doubt this would happen. Heaven was already populated with the souls of the patriarchs and the prophets and all the people of God that died prior to the resurrection. Because God is timeless, a promise made in eternity past is as certain as if it had already happened. When you read scriptures like Psalm 40, you can see yourself. If you are a believer, you know you are as safe for heaven as if you were already there.

Many people wonder how Christians face bad days with a smile. They wonder why peace fills our heart when they struggle with so many things that burden them to despair. The interesting irony is that we face the same life struggles they face. We have job issues, financial concerns, family disappointments—and yet these things do not rule us. Our happiness is not determined by how well a stock portfolio is doing or whether Junior got accepted to Harvard. We have already risen with Christ and we know that when He shall appear we shall also appear with Him in glory (Colossians 3:1, 4).

Contemplating the certainty of the resurrection will keep our thinking straight when the cares of life start to become too heavy. Christ was in the horrible pit, but the promise kept Him waiting patiently. There was a time limit on the grave—three days. There is also a time limit for you. Wait patiently for it. Redemption is nigh.

Pastor V. Mark Smith