Missions Application Missions Application Berean Baptist Church Missions Application First Name Last Name Email US ADDRESS All information is confidential Field Address All information is confidential Sending Church Mission Board Are You Married? YesNoDivorcedWidowed Spouse’s Name Do you have children? YesNoOther Do you have children? How many? Educational Background Please list schools, majors, minors and degrees DOCTRINAL MATTERS A. DO YOU BELIEVE AND TEACH THE FOLLOWING DOCTRINES? 1. The verbal plenary inspiration of the Scriptures? YesNoOther 1. The verbal plenary inspiration of the Scriptures? 2. The infallibility of the Scriptures? (incapable of error in the original autographs) YesNoOther 2. The infallibility of the Scriptures? (incapable of error in the original autographs) 3. Theistic evolution? (long day theory, age day theory, etc.) YesNoOther 3. Theistic evolution? (long day theory, age day theory, etc.) 4. Different method of salvation in different dispensations? YesNoOther 4. Different method of salvation in different dispensations? 5. The virgin birth of Christ as God manifest in the flesh? YesNoOther 5. The virgin birth of Christ as God manifest in the flesh? 6. The total depravity and total inability of man? (explain in box below) YesNoOther 6. The total depravity and total inability of man? (explain in box below) Explain your answer 7. The total deity and total humanity of Christ? YesNoOther 7. The total deity and total humanity of Christ? 8. The salvation of man by grace alone? YesNoOther 8. The salvation of man by grace alone? 9. That repentance from all sin is necessary for salvation? YesNoOther 9. That repentance from all sin is necessary for salvation? (repentance is not merely changing from unbelief to belief) 10. Saving faith has a necessary volitional element of surrender to the Lordship of Christ? YesNoOther 10. Saving faith has a necessary volitional element of surrender to the Lordship of Christ? 11. One can receive Christ as Savior while rejecting His authority? YesNoOther 11. One can receive Christ as Savior while rejecting His authority? 12. That repentance and faith are the results of an effectual and regenerating call of God in the sinner’s heart? YesNoOther 12. That repentance and faith are the <i>results of</i> an effectual and regenerating call of God in the sinner's heart? 13. That your theology is God-centered over against man-centered? YesNoOther 13. That your theology is God-centered over against man-centered? 14. Baptism by immersion is the only proper mode? YesNoOther 14. Baptism by immersion is the only proper mode? 15. Infant baptism? YesNoOther 15. Infant baptism? 16. The eternal security of the believer? YesNoOther 16. The eternal security of the believer? 17. The perseverance of the saints? YesNoOther 17. The perseverance of the saints? (i.e., that true believers are required to and will persevere, &etc.) 18. The gift of tongues is for today? YesNoOther 18. The gift of tongues is for today? 19. The sacrificial blood atonement for sin? YesNoOther 19. The sacrificial blood atonement for sin? 20. The necessity of the New Birth for salvation? YesNoOther 20. The necessity of the New Birth for salvation? 21. That certain men have the gifts of healing and miracle working today? YesNoOther 21. That certain men have the gifts of healing and miracle working today? 22. A second distinct work of the Spirit for sanctification? YesNoOther 22. A second distinct work of the Spirit for sanctification? 23. The bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead? YesNoOther 23. The bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead? 24. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church? YesNoOther 24. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church? 25. A literal heaven for the redeemed and a literal hell for the lost? YesNoOther 25. A literal heaven for the redeemed and a literal hell for the lost? 26. That a believer can be possessed by a demon? YesNoOther 26. That a believer can be possessed by a demon? 27. The literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth? YesNoOther 27. The literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth? 28. The local visible church, as opposed to universal invisible? YesNoOther 28. The local visible church, as opposed to universal invisible? B. DO YOU BELIEVE AND TEACH THE FOLLOWING BAPTIST DISTINCTIVES? 1. The sole authority of the Scriptures for faith and practice? YesNoOther 1. The sole authority of the Scriptures for faith and practice? 2. The autonomy of the local church? YesNoOther 2. The autonomy of the local church? 3. The soul liberty of the believer including his priesthood? YesNoOther 3. The soul liberty of the believer including his priesthood? 4. The Scriptural ordinances of baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper? YesNoOther 4. The Scriptural ordinances of baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper? 5. The separation of church and state? YesNoOther 5. The separation of church and state? 6. The only two offices in the church are pastor and deacon? YesNoOther 6. The only two offices in the church are pastor and deacon? 7. A saved, regenerated church membership? YesNoOther 7. A saved, regenerated church membership? 8. Do you hold to elder rule (plurality and equality of elders)? YesNoOther 8. Do you hold to elder rule (plurality and equality of elders)? 9. Would you ever pastor a non-Baptist church? YesNoOther 9. Would you ever pastor a non-Baptist church? 10. Would you ever pastor a church that refused to be identified as “Baptist”? YesNoOther 10. Would you ever pastor a church that refused to be identified as "Baptist"? 11. Would you purposely administer the Lord’s Supper to a non-baptized, unchurched believer? YesNoOther 11. Would you purposely administer the Lord's Supper to a non-baptized, unchurched believer? 12. What is your procedure for receiving into church membership a believer who has not been baptized in a Baptist church of like faith and order? Please explain. YesNoOther 12. What is your procedure for receiving into church membership a believer who has not been baptized in a Baptist church of like faith and order? Please explain. Explain your answer IDEOLOGICAL MATTERS A. Please define the following 1. New Evangelicalism? What is your relationship to this movement? ParticipationEndorsementCooperationSeparation 2. Charismatic Movement? What is your relationship to this movement? ParticipationEndorsementCooperationSeparation a. What does it mean to be Spirit-filled? b. Is there a Spirit baptism today? 3. Fundamentalism? What is your relationship to this movement? ParticipationEndorsementCooperationSeparation IDEOLOGICAL MATTERS (cont) B. Ecclesiastical Separation 4. Will you fellowship with non Baptist groups or para church organizations? ParticipationEndorsementCooperationSeparation 5. Ecumenical Evangelism? ParticipationEndorsementCooperationSeparation Explain your answer 6. Evangelical and Catholics Together Accord? Favor itStrongly oppose itDoesn't really matterOther 6. Evangelical and Catholics Together Accord? IDEOLOGICAL MATTERS (cont) C. Bible Issues 1. Select any Bible version you endorse. American Standard Version (ASV) Contemporary English Version (CEV) English Standard Version (ESV) King James Version (KJV) Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) Living Bible (TLB) The Message (MSG) New American Standard Bible (NASB) New Century Version (NCV) New International Version (NIV) New King James Version (NKJV) New Life Version (NLV) New Living Translation (NLT) New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Revised Standard Version (RSV) OtherOther If you use more than one during a sermon – please explain. 2. What is your view concerning the eclectic Greek text, majority text, and TR ? 3. What is your view toward those who use the ESV, NASB, NKJV, NIV? 4. Do you favor a literal interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis? YesNoOther 4. Do you favor a literal interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis? 5. Do you favor the gap theory of Genesis 1:1-1:2? YesNoOther 5. Do you favor the gap theory of Genesis 1:1-1:2? 6. Do you favor a Universal Flood? YesNoOther 6. Do you favor a Universal Flood? Idealogical Matters (cont) D. What is your attitude toward the following 1. Do you believe in the use of the name Baptist? YesNoDoesn't MatterOther 1. Do you believe in the use of the name Baptist? Explain your answer 2. Dispensationalism? YesNoDoesn't MatterOther 2. Dispensationalism? 3. Covenant Theology? YesNoDoesn't MatterOther 3. Covenant Theology? 4. Calvinism as defined by Spurgeon and expressed in early Baptist confessions of faith? (if no, explain why) YesNo Explain your answer 5. National Association of Evangelicals? YesNoOther 5. National Association of Evangelicals? 6. Vineyard movement? (John Wimber) YesNoOther 6. Vineyard movement? (John Wimber) 7. Bill Hybels? (Pastor of Willow Creek Community) YesNoOther 7. Bill Hybels? (Pastor of Willow Creek Community) 8. John MacArthur? YesNoOther 8. John MacArthur? 9. Luis Palau? YesNoOther 9. Luis Palau? 10. Hyles-Anderson College? (Jack Hyles) YesNoOther 10. Hyles-Anderson College? (Jack Hyles) 11. Maranatha Baptist Bible College? YesNoOther 11. Maranatha Baptist Bible College? 12. Pensacola Christian College? YesNoOther 12. Pensacola Christian College? 13. Dallas Theological Seminary? YesNoOther 13. Dallas Theological Seminary? 14. Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary? YesNoOther 14. Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary? 15. Fuller Theological Seminary? YesNoOther 15. Fuller Theological Seminary? 16. Master’s College and Seminary? YesNoOther 16. Master's College and Seminary? Philosophy of Ministry Issues 1. What is your philosophy of missionary work? 2. What is your understanding of the task God has called you to do, and how will you carry it out in your work? Personal Separation Issues 1. What are your personal standards concerning television, movies, theater, dress, music? 2. Will you implement personal standards of separation in your ministry? 3. Define the term “Legalist” 4. Who is a Legalist? FAMILY MATTERS Do you meet the qualifications in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 of a well-ordered house of obedient children who show proper respect? What is your goal for your children? Is your wife a “one-man” woman, devoted and submissive to your leadership? Are you a “one-woman” man, devoted to your wife? Does your wife meet the qualifications listed for her in 1 Timothy 3? Is there anything in your past since your conversion that would disqualify you from pastoral work according to the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1? If you are human, leave this field blank. When you submit this application no data is stored on this server. This form securely encrypts all data sent for review Δ