Where Is God?
Psalm 44
In the last few weeks, my daily Bible reading has centered in the Old Testament books of the Pentateuch. The great prophet Moses wrote these first five books of the Hebrew scriptures which chronicle the accounts of creation and the history of the beginning of the nation of Israel. The story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt and their wanderings in the wilderness consumes four of these five books and contain within them miraculous works of God’s deliverance. Israel’s experience with divine providence in the exodus is an often-repeated theme in both Old and New Testaments.
Psalm 44 gives us one of the varieties of usages for the exodus theme. Have you ever felt abandoned by God, and you lack a discernable reason for it? Have you examined your heart for sin and found you have done your best to serve God, and yet despite your best-efforts, you cannot find Him? If this is how you feel, you have just hit upon the author’s dilemma in this psalm.
We do not know the author although we do know he was a descendant of Korah. This means the time of writing falls into the 1000-year period from the exodus to the end of the Old Testament. Israel had just suffered a stunning military defeat, and the psalmist did not understand the reason God did not come to their aid. There were times in Israel’s past when the reason for defeat was clear. These times connected to obvious sins, usually the sin of idolatry, when Israel fell into the worship of false gods. This was not one of those times nor of other known sins which makes their defeat more puzzling.
The psalm divides into three parts. The first eight verses are about the past as the psalmist remembers the stories told by his forebears about the Almighty God’s marvelous deliverances from their enemies. This section ends with the admission that each victory was because of God, not because of Israel’s military might.
The next section (vv. 9-22) is about the present. This is the psalmist’s lament as he tries to understand their defeat and why God did not care. The third section (vv. 23-26) is about the future as the psalmist is sure that God would not forget them, and he expected God to help. He cries out for God to awaken from sleep—a metaphor for God’s inattention.
How much this reminds us of that fearful night when a boisterous sea tossed the disciples’ boat. While they rowed and worried, Jesus slept in the boat. The tumult of the sea did not bother Him. The disciples’ fearful pleas for help awakened Him. A hymnist expressed their words this way: “Carest thou not that we perish? How canst Thou lie asleep, when each moment so madly is threatening a grave in the angry deep?” Jesus was not troubled. He awoke and said, “Peace be still.”
The psalm does not give the explanation for this instance of God’s refusal to help Israel. However, we know the character of God. He said He would never leave us or forsake us. If we think He has, we know it must be for His divine purposes. Sometimes trials come upon us simply because Christ calls us to suffer for Him. Peter wrote: “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy” (1 Peter 4:12-13). Paul also often mentions the sufferings of Christians, even his own, as being divine providence. This is often hard for us to understand just as it was for Christians in the early centuries who suffered under extreme persecution. We notice, however, they always held on. They were firm and steadfast and waited for God’s deliverance. Sometimes the deliverance was death—but death is no problem when the destination is the glories of heaven.
Christians today need to do what the psalmist did. Look back to the past and remember the victories we have won in Christ. Examine yourself in the present to make sure sin is not your problem. Consider the future because you know God will never abandon you. When your feelings tell you God is not with you, be sure His Spirit testifies He is. He is closer than in your boat—He is in your heart. Another hymnist related the sentiments of God’s heart: “Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, and will still give thee aid; I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.”
Pastor V. Mark Smith