

Berean Baptist Church is a Baptist church because of a few simple but defining Biblical distinctives. We feel it is important to uphold Biblical traits that would help clarify what kind of church we are. The word Baptist simply means we believe in:

  1. Biblical authority in all matters of faith and practice-
    You will not find visions, revelations, tongues, or extra Biblical “messages from God” at Berean Baptist Church.
    John 17:17
    Acts 17:11
    II Timothy 3:16, 17
    Hebrews 4:12
    II Peter 1:21
  2. Autonomy or self-governing power of the local church-
    Our church is completely self-governed outside of a denomination.
    Colossians 1:18
    I Timothy 3:15
    Acts 20:19-30
  3. Priesthood of believers
    Every believer has equal and instant access to God. This means that each believer is his own priest and has direct access to God’s truth and God’s will for his life.
    I Timothy 2:5,6
    Hebrews 4:14-16
  4. Two officers within the church-
    The Berean Baptist Church has two offices of leadership – Pastors and Deacons. Scripture refers to the office of pastor with the terms of elder, bishop, and pastor. It is the responsibility of the Pastors to serve the church by leading, teaching, and overseeing the church work. It is the responsibility of deacons to serve the church family through assisting with care and the provision of special needs.
    Acts 6:1-7
    I Timothy 3:1-13
    Titus 1:6-9
    I Peter 5:1-4
  1. Individual Soul Liberty-
    Every man and woman must choose personally to come to Christ.
    Romans 10:17
    Romans 14:1-8
    Romans 14:12-23
  2. Separation of Church and State
    The state should not have the power to intervene in the free expression of religious liberty.
    Matthew 22:21
    Acts 5:29-31
    Romans 13:1-4
  3. Two Ordinances
    We practice two simple ordinances at BBC – baptism and the Lord’s table (communion). These ordinances have no part in salvation and only serve as pictures of what Christ did for us.
    Matthew 28:19-20
    Acts 2:38-43
    Acts 8:36-38
    Romans 6:1-6
    I Corinth 11:23-24
  4. Security of the Believer
    Salvation is a gift from God that cannot be taken away. When a person is saved, he is always saved. Nothing can separate him from eternal life in Christ and he can live with full assurance of Heaven as his future home.
    John 10:27,28
    I Peter 1:3-5

To maintain a commitment to the clear teaching of God’s Words without compromise, Berean Baptist Church does not support the National Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Charismatic movement (includes tongues movement, etc.), Ecumenical evangelism, Liberalism, or Modernism.
II Thessalonians 3:6
Amos 3:3
Jude 3