First Place Goes to Jezebel

         Have you wondered how and why I chose the subjects for bulletin articles? Often, they tie into the sermon for the day and may help explain details I do not have time for in the sermon. At other times, the subjects seem random and are nothing near to the sermon subject or any event that currently affects us. These articles are the ones I struggle with the most.

         The prompt for today’s subject was our sermon text—or should I say two words in the text caused me to think. These two words are the names of Gentile cities which defined the general area where Jesus visited in Mark 7. Both are north of Israel in present day Lebanon. They are seaports on the Mediterranean Sea which entertained visitors from all parts of the Middle Eastern world. Each were wicked cities with a sordid past in their relationship with Israel. Interestingly, sailors from almost anywhere represent some of the worst of human depravity. At least this is their reputation and not without convincing evidence. Tyre and Sidon boasted of their sea power, and this of course relied on these same notoriously wicked sailors.

         These two cities were off-limits to the proud self-righteous scribes and Pharisees and were neither an obvious choice for Jesus to visit. This reputational prejudice is clear in our sermon text today as Jesus referred to the citizens of these cities as “dogs.” This was not an uncommon moniker as the Syrophoenician woman did not bristle at Jesus’ use of it.

         What brings me to the mention of Tyre and Sidon? It is a rather obscure connection. You will recognize the name of a former resident of Sidon. Her name was Jezebel who married King Ahab of Israel during the time of Elijah. She was the daughter of the Sidonian king and in today’s terms we would call her an influencer. She influenced Ahab in the worship of the heathen god Baal, who was perhaps the most prevalently notorious god of many heathen nations. This is a strange way to describe this false god as he was truly nothing. He was a god of the imagination without power to help or hurt anyone. As Paul would later say, an idol is a dumb thing and is nothing. And yet, idol worship ruled not only all the peoples of Canaan but all the other nations as well. Israel was the loner—the standout without an image to worship.

         Returning to our thoughts of Jezebel, she claims the top post, first place among wicked women. Throughout all the history of Israel, she was infamous enough for Jesus to name her in the Revelation one thousand years after her notorious life. Anyone with only a smidgen of religious background knows the name, and many others recognize her as a historical figure and a substitute description for the character of treacherous women.

         I mention Jezebel today because of the Sidonian connection to our story and the constant reminder of how womanhood has degenerated. The idols of old were wood and stone and had no power or thoughts of any kind. The imaginations of their worshippers energized them. Make no mistake, these idols are not gone from the imagination. The middleman, so-to-speak, rationally disappeared. The stone idol is gone with false worship commandeered by self, the replacement human idol. The result is the same—the rejection of Christ and the elevation of human reasoning.

         Three thousand years ago, it was child sacrifice to appease false gods (Baal, Chemosh, Ashtoreth, et. al.). Today it is child sacrifice to appease the selfish god of inconvenience. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The need of the Syrophoenician woman is the same as women need today. What do women need? Jesus Christ and the salvation of their souls is primary. Secondly, men with more backbone who act like men.

Pastor V. Mark Smith

Wash Your Hands and Your Idol Too

         This week, our study in the Gospel of Mark continues with Jesus’ answer to the scribes’ and Pharisees’ inquiry concerning His and His disciples’ habit of ignoring the opinions of the revered elders of Israel. Jesus never disobeyed any of God’s commands, but He was not averse to disobeying any and every command meant to obfuscate God’s law.

         Because of Jesus intense popularity, He posed a threat to the authority of these elders and their monopoly on the spiritual control of daily life in Galilee and Judea. It was not unusual to see violations of their customs as if every person cared what the spiritual leaders in Israel thought. Just as there is a segment of our population (a rather large one) that does not care for religion, the same types to a lesser degree lived in Israel. Matthew was such a Jew who before following Jesus cared nothing for the rules and regulations imposed by the sanctimonious religious police force. Men like Matthew were not much of a threat to the system because they had influence only with friends and a few other rogues like them. Jesus was more like a nuclear threat with His supernatural abilities and the attention of nearly everyone from the poor to Roman government officials. His wisdom in how to answer puzzling questions coupled with superior understanding of the scriptures, enabled Him to thoroughly refute and humiliate these supposed experts in Jewish law.

         The question on this occasion pertained to the custom of washing hands before eating. As I explained in an earlier message, their concern was not good sanitation habits, but rather sanctification by their perfect obedience to outward forms of religion. The Jews’ entire religious system centered on rigid self-righteousness that they believed gave them access to the inheritance of God. If this means was truly the way to reach God, His holiness is nothing higher than the level of mortal men. A god reached by self-effort is not worth the effort to make the connection. We are no better off than if we worshipped each other.

         Though this is true and clearly defies the God of scripture, still it is the default position of most people who say they are Christians. The idol artist who makes his god of wood or stone and carries his idol to wherever he needs it, is far more powerful than his creation who does not speak, hear, perceive, act, or do anything the idol’s creator can do.

         The Jews in Jesus’ time prided themselves in the rejection of heathen idols. Since the end of the divided kingdom five hundred years before the New Testament era, Israel was under foreign occupation, a consequence of their forefathers’ disobedience to the warnings of the prophets. To restore Israel to God’s favor, they long ago laid their idols aside and resumed their observance of the ceremonial laws. However, for every form resumed, there was a corresponding perversion. For example, the priests at the temple made sacrifices as the law commanded, but they also owned the sacrificial animals which they sold to the people at exorbitant prices. Having the authority to inspect and refuse any animals not sold by them, they controlled the market amassing great wealth in the process.

         Now, the purpose of our brief foray into this history comes to its conclusion. Jesus’ unraveling any of the fabricated laws of the elders had the potential of destroying the wicked schemes that made these religious charlatans rich. Thus, there is a delegation sent to Galilee to intervene before Jesus did irreparable harm. As we all know now, crucifixion was their final solution. They killed the man, but His resurrection ensured He will never cease to plague manmade religion. If this religion is yours, when you wash your hands, do not forget to wash your idol too.

Pastor V. Mark Smith

Jesus and Justification

         Today’s message begins the seventh chapter of Mark and another confrontation between Jesus and the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem. In our text, Jesus was still in Galilee but apparently, He proved too much for the local scribes, Pharisees, and rabbis to contend with. Since Jesus’ popularity extended across the entire land of Israel, everyone was aware of His activities and defiance of their customs and laws. It is important for us to note Jesus never opposed God’s laws but most certainly resisted the gross misinterpretations of it by these self-righteous leaders.

As I surveyed our text, I thought of the cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith. You have heard me speak of cardinal doctrines and I may announce different doctrines as cardinal doctrines. If I settle on one, I must say in the context today, it is the doctrine of justification by faith. The battle over law and gospel between Jesus and these people was the method by which God accounts us just and free from the condemnation of the law. One of the clearest, easiest definitions that underlines the various aspects of justification is this quote from a systematic theology: “Justification is that instantaneous, everlasting, gracious, free, judicial act of God, whereby, on account of the merit of Christ’s blood and righteousness, a repentant, believing sinner is freed from the penalty of the law, restored to God’s favor, and considered as possessing the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ; by virtue of all of which he receives adoption as a son.”

         Most would call this the Reformed perspective of justification linking it to the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was far too late to be the source of this doctrine. This is Jesus’ doctrine, His disciples’ doctrine, Paul’s doctrine, and the doctrine of the true New Testament church. Comparing this definition to Mark 7 and this encounter with the Jews, we can see there is no room to fit the Jewish interpretation of justification. And what the Jews believed was not unique to them. It is the natural default interpretation of all other faiths contrary to the faith of Christ. To receive justification from God, requires human effort, good works, trying to be a good person, following the rules, and on it goes. For many, simply dying is enough to account oneself right with God. The fundamental difference is reliance on self-generated righteousness not the righteousness of Christ.

         Paul often contended with the same thinking of Jewish leaders after Christ called him to the ministry. There were many called Judaizers who followed him to Gentile preaching posts with attempts to destroy the faith by restoring at least some of the old Jewish traditions. Though it seemed a compromise might be possible, Paul steadfastly rejected their attempts knowing that any compromise on justification renders Christianity, the cross, and Jesus Himself null and void. He termed the Jews doctrine another gospel, a perverted gospel, an accursed gospel (Galatians 1:6-9).

         The Protestant Reformation accentuated the differences between Roman Catholic teachings of justification and the correct scriptural presentation at a time when Catholicism persecuted true believers and distorted the gospel of Christ. The same sham gospel taught by Roman Catholics in the 16th century still goes on today. It is fraught with more compromises as Catholicism learned to embrace the heresies of all religions to make them comfortable if they would come under the umbrella of their universal church.

         The cardinal doctrine of justification is still the barrier between Christ, the Jews, Roman Catholics, and all the rest who do not accept the correct definition. If there had been a sign of Roman Catholicism in the days of Jesus, He would say to them, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.”

Pastor V. Mark Smith

A Ribband of Blue

         Today, our journey through Mark brings us to more of Jesus’ healing miracles. Our scripture does not concentrate on a specific individual who received healing but rather an entire area of the Galilean region that experienced Jesus’ powerful and unique ministry. These were people who had never seen Jesus, although news of His miracles in Capernaum, Nazareth, and even from the southern region of Judea reached them bringing hope that someday He would make His way to them. The news that filtered into their area was that a man helped people in ways no one had ever seen. They heard that He asked nothing in return and that merely touching Him or Him touching them was enough to give them thorough and lasting wholeness. It did not matter the defect or disease; Jesus managed all cases. It is interesting that just the slightest touch would do. No need to hug Him, to embrace Him, or to have Him do the same, but only to touch the hem of His clothing.

         My great interest in this type of healing is not so much the New Testament form, but the Old Testament implications. The border of His garment was the target area which had special significance in God’s methods of dealing with His people. I hope our church is more familiar with this part of Jesus’ clothing because you have been with me through extended studies of the Old Testament tabernacle worship.

         God gave Israel a plan for worship when He was with Moses on Mount Sinai. We usually think of this event as the time and location for Israel’s reception of the Ten Commandments. Indeed, it was, but God included far more. He gave an entire judicial system of laws and a mandate for worshipping the Holy God which distinguished Israel from all other nations. The Ten Commandments were the foundation of moral law and built upon these commandments were laws for religious ceremonies as well as dietary laws for health and well-being. These laws sanctified Israel and set them apart from other nations. Food, clothing, health, sacrifice, and behavior—all that His people needed—God gave.

         This religious system was complicated and rich in symbolism. We spent months exploring and learning the meaning of these symbols and applying them to New Testament truths. Our text today reminds us of their clothing. Mentioning the border of Jesus’ garment is not incidental. There are several Old Testament passages to examine, one of which is the high priest’s clothing. I hope you remember the significance of the bells on the fringe of his robe that constantly rang as he performed his duties on the Day of Atonement. I do not have time and space to discuss it today, but how enlightening would it be to show Christ’s high priestly intercession through it?

         I will take you rather to Numbers 15:37-41. I feel a sermon coming on and I regret not making this thought the most important part of today’s sermon presentation. As briefly as I can explain, God commanded each Israelite to make their clothing with a ribband of blue around the fringe. The purpose was to use it as a daily reminder of God’s commandments. The false worship of Canaan’s idols would tempt them, and this clothing was to remind them of the true God they were to obey.

         There are multiple lessons to learn from this in relation to our story in Mark. I leave you with this. God built our salvation on obedience to His law. We are incapable of keeping these laws to God’s satisfaction. As Jesus was the only hope the people in Gennesaret had for healing, so our only hope of spiritual healing is the perfection of the law fulfilled in Jesus Christ. By faith, we touch His ribbon of blue and partake in the satisfaction He made to God by perfectly fulfilling God’s commandments. Through the touch of faith, Christ’s perfect obedience becomes ours and God counts us as compliant. Christ satisfied God’s justice for us. Gennesaret was helpless without the touch, and so are you.

Pastor V. Mark Smith

Impossible for God?

         Each week it is a privilege to stand in the Berean pulpit to bring the message God has for His people. There are times the impression from the Holy Spirit on what the subject should be is not as emphatic as it is at other times. With expository preaching, I know the frequent argument is that preaching verse by verse leaves little to no room for the Holy Spirit to give the minister a sermon that reflects any special needs the people have on that day. Comments from the congregation often disprove this opinion. Many needs are unknown and unspoken to me. The omniscient almighty God always knows them. The Holy Spirit is aware and has been forever aware of every need from before the foundation of the world. God has such infinite knowledge that never a second goes by that is unplanned or greets Him with surprise. Following scripture closely, studying, and praying for enlightenment, we hereby safely end any fear the Holy Spirit will disappoint us with meaningless messages.

These are my thoughts as I contemplate the scriptures for today’s message. Is anything impossible with God? We need not ask the question. Should there be impossibilities with Him, He could not have created the universe and sustained it as He does every day. The numbers of activities required for God to control every situation with all their contingencies are staggering. Incorporated into these are interactions with every fickle individual who must conform to His master plan without deviation. This is more than the mortal mind can understand.

         Considering Jesus’ abilities this way makes today’s text only a miniscule example of what God can do. Can He walk on water? We only need to look to see Him do it. These types of miracles prove the power of God over every part of His creation. The intention is to show not only that Christ is God, but He is fully sufficient for anything Christians need. We need not look elsewhere for fulfillment as it exists in the eternal repository of every good and perfect gift promised to His children from above.

         This understanding is critical for the church in all times, but it was especially true in the beginning when examples of Christians prevailing were not readily available. They easily found examples of persecution and death. Their encouragements of perseverance were mostly in the infrequent correspondence sent to churches by the apostles. Philippians is one such letter that recounts Paul’s imprisonment without hints of discouragement. Chapter 4:13 comes to mind: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Lifting this verse from its context robs it of the apostle’s intent. It is usually good to see Bible references gracing this evil world, but it is not so special when misplaced and used to support such trivial pursuits as athletic events and winning ballgames. This is not the context of Philippians 4:13. Rather, the context is its conjunction with verse 12: “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” This does not mean Christ gives us the power to claim and obtain anything we want. Paul’s intent is to say, “Because I am in Christ, I can be content though put down, though hungry, though imprisoned, though banished, though without worldly favor—I can endure in Christ because He strengthens me and sovereignly controls my life.” Think of this also within the context of Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” This is far away from the attitude: “I can use God for my selfish desires because His power is in me.”

         Is anything impossible with God? Not within the boundaries of His purpose and will.

Pastor V. Mark Smith